Monday, 28 June 2010

How my example article matches conventions

Media Students discover the news:

A Level Media students are now being taught behind the scene secrets of the news, making a massive disadvantage to big institutions such as the BBC and ITV, if the secrets are later revealed. The new course is now teaching students what exactly happens in the media world of news risking traditional bulletins being lost for good.

Big executives fear news will now be more popular on new media technologies such as blogging and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Resulting in wiz-tech teenagers taking over the entire industry .Fears have be rising since the course has been introduced, and uncertainties are set to continue as only time will tell, what will happen to the news.

Analysis of example story:

My constructed article is an example of an unambiguity news value because of nature the of simplicity which makes it attractive. The example story was intended to be short as it would only be a small feature of a newspaper as its not necessarily important, and is more of a human interest story.

The establishing sentence is longer than the others in the article because it is trying to get the key facts quickly across to the audience and keep them interested. The establishing sentence is broken down with comers to break up the information and make the information being dispatch more digestible to the reader.

The second sentence goes into more detail about the headline and gives the reader a deeper insight in what the journalist is trying to get across .The article is split into paragraphs to break the information up and to move further on with the story. The second paragraph is not as urgent ads the first and just is giving more background facts to the reader. The fact that the article ends with ‘uncertainties are set to continue as only time will tell’ makes the reader want to know more and gives an advantage of a return reader for further articles.

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