News Values area piece of criteria that helps journalists select news that will get featured.A reason for this method is that because there are millions of stories daily there needs to be a strategy which selects the most importance/relevant ones for each area (country/county/town etc)
There are thirteen news values which govern news agenda:
1.Frequency-How quickly to story is broke. An example of this is the recent Cumbria Shootings.
2.Threshold/amplitude/numbers-The size of an event will govern the amount of attention it is given. An example being the World Cup.
3. Unambiguity-The simplicity of the story will also make it more attractive to the media as it will be easier for journalists to investigate, as well as the audience understandability to the story. An example of this is the BP Oil Leak.
4. Meaningfulness-Culturally relevant or culturally proximate events are more likely to make the news. The reason being that the audience are more interested in events which have happened close to home or contain reference to values, beliefs and attitudes that it shares. An example being the election for Prime Minister.
5.Consonance-Events which meet our expectations are more likely to become news. Ascot being an example of this.
6. Unexpectedness/surprise-Events that hold a large element of surprise. The Cumbria Killings can also be an example of this too.
7. Continuity-Events that have initially been defined as news will continue to carry importance in news agenda. The Icelandic eruption being an example.
8. Composition-Many news institutions try to balance there news output,e.g the dead donkey ending things on a more positive note at the end of the news bulletins. An example being the invention of 'Bra Growing'
9.Reference to elite nations-Other major Western nations e.g. USA,Germany,France are more likely to be in the news even if the story is not that significant to the audience e.g. The American Elections
10.Reference to elite persons-Significant people within our nation. An Example would be Prince Harry & William’s tour of Africa.
11. Personalisation-Events which have a personalised twist on them, e.g. large scale NHS story such as the spread of MRSA and through the eyes of someone that has survived it.
12. Negativity-Bad news makes good news! The world cup could again be reported that way.
13. Actuality-If the news station has exclusive interviews or video clips of an event the story is more likely to be reported, where without that they may have less significance with that news bulletin. An example is the amount of attention Sex and the City 2 interviews received.
It is important to note that all news is a construction of choices of image and text
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