Friday, 12 November 2010

Semiotic Analysis of the Harrogate Advertiser homepage & link

Like a newspaper, a local website is designed to give information about the area to the community. In order for it to do so correctly it needs to have the basic generic conventions so the viewer can identify that it goes alongside the paper. For example the masthead being placed at the top this is in the same font and style as it is on the newspaper making it easily recognisable. Masthead for the different sections (jobs, property, motors and local pages today) of the paper are also placed at the top although slightly smaller so there is still the emphasis on the main one. These are also placed on the right hand in more detail where the public can search the section into finding the pacific section they are looking for.
Another generic convention kept is the house style of ‘blue ‘which keeps the paper and the website in cohesion with another. This kept through fonts, background colour of search engine, and sign in/out etc .This style that is used keeps the newspaper thought of well such as the words class and a majestic connote this when looking at the site.
At the top of the page are the set categories such as home, news, sport, community, your say, newspaper, health info and money which help set a structure to the page as well as always appearing when the viewer clicks on a different link helping direct the public to the pages they wish to view without clicking on the back button .Other key parts are of course sitemap, help ,register and sign in which are placed right at the top of the page which is clear and easily accessible to the viewer. Alongside side these options is ‘make us your homepage ‘which is a useful tool for the community who visit the website regular and don’t have to go through the search engine to get on the website.
Further links that are not as important as the categories are placed under this they aren’t highlighted by being a box but as viewer you are easily award of them .The current date is placed below this allowing the viewer to know that the news they are viewing is up to date epically on the latest national news which Is placed below and moves through the top headline of the day in the country.
Below are the links to the articles that are most important, firstly under Harrogate news is a headline caption and photograph letting the viewer know enough information about what the article will be about before they decide to click further, the same is done for sport and a magazine review .At the side of these articles are two advertisements one from the paper itself of ‘join our reader panel’ which helps tie in the other advert about Christmas booking well with the website .More adverts are placed around the page such as the top and bottom highlighting local business and events without taking too much attention of the features the website has .
As you move down the page there are a list of the most popular stories which aids the viewer if they are looking for something quickly and they know it’s a high profile article. The list includes a range of negative and positive stories breaking it up the viewer as well as different genres such as sport, events, crime and achievement in the area. This also connotes that the paper is telling the truth .
Overall the homepage is in cohesion with the paper which helps identify it when visiting the website another factor in which help it to appeal to all ages is the fact the layout is kept simple, plus well structured this mean that you can find the information you are looking easily. This is by the different search techniques the website offers (search engines, categories, links, most popular stories etc .The advertisements used help promote the local business, events and give off an atmosphere that community all working together.

The layout at the top of the page on the link to the article about the up and coming town bonfire is the same which connotes structure and organisation. Below this is the headline about the article with the date that is was published this allows the viewer to know if the story is in date and which paper ( the past week or the upcoming )it will be featured in ,if they wanted more information.

Underneath is the article which is divided into nine paragraphs with a space dividing each which is unlike the papers articles .The article is brief and sticks to the main points and facts with just one quote meaning it is quick and readable by it content and structure. A small photograph is used a visual aid to the viewer and break the information up and gives a quick caption about the event which incorporate the usual generic conventions of a paper .Below the article is added information about when the article was last updated, who the source was, location and the page number (page 1 of 1).There is also a choice to bookmark the page via website such as facebook and stumble upon which is helpful to the viewer if they want to quickly flick back to the page or make it known to other people .Further information about the page format is also given which connotes that the website is well thought through.
Once you scroll down the page further are a handful of advertisements which are ad by Google they reach wider areas such as vouchers and hotel in the country rather than just local business which helps bring diversity to the website content.
Useful links are then given at the page these include contact information, terms and conditions, accessibility and archive plus sister papers Wetherby News and the Ripon Gazette mastheads which are direct links to their websites .A further link that the institution are not so keen to be made aware of is the press complaints commission which is probably why is the last thing on the page.
On the left hand side of the website there is five drop down menus. These provide links to pages the viewer may be interested in such as Ackrills other papers, sport links, leisure features and feedback. The technique of the drop down menu is helpful as it gives you at least three options on the section you may be attracted to in viewing or a quick link to another section that interest you. Another reason is that splitting the information given up, makes it less of an overload to the viewer as well as using the space well.
To the right of the page is a quick link to whether a viewer want to email the particular section to a friend, print the article or make it bigger or smaller which is useful as it means the audience do not have to look in the main internet toolbar to do so .Below is then the feature what was used on the homepage of more Harrogate news giving the selection of other stories that have been popular. Around the page are four advertisements which are placed at the side top and middle underneath the article photograph again breaking the information up and adding vibrancy and colour to the page.
The link and the home page are both in cohesion with the local paper itself and provide the viewer with quick information through the length of articles and the links .the added information given such as archive connotes the paper is well though through and structured .

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